Thursday, January 31, 2013


So this is what I was greeted with this morning:

Today's high was only 10°, and although there wasn't much precipitation and was overcast for most of the day, there was some pretty strong wind coming from the northwest.  From this I can only assume that the bitter coldness isn't going to go away anytime soon and will probably continue throughout the weekend.  

Beginning the Week

This week's weather has been a bit silly, as I was out getting groceries Sunday, I experienced several different kinds of precipitation.  First it started raining, then after a while those raindrops became more solid.  As I was waiting at the stoplight on my return home I watched the rain/sleet completely turn to snow before the greenlight even appeared.  Later on that night there were reports of thunderstorms in the area.  I had just experienced what seemed like several seasons of weather in only a few hours.